ATC Adds to Hospitality IT Team

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ATC Adds to Hospitality IT Team

ATC Expands Hospitality IT Team

Advanced Technology Consulting (ATC) recently expanded its Hospitality IT team with the addition of Cincinnati IT veteran, Scott Johnson. Johnson brings 20+ years of IT experience to ATC’s growing Hospitality division.

ATC’s Scott Johnson

As an ATC Hospitality IT Consultant, Johnson’s responsibility is to ensure the hotel brand properties partnered with ATC are equipped with the appropriate technologies and IT solutions to optimize the guest experience and meet brand standards.

“We are thrilled to have Scott join the team. His combination of IT expertise, project management, and business acumen will serve our Hospitality division well,” says ATC CTO, Nick Enger. “We have a unique value proposition within the Hospitality segment that’s gaining traction with hospitality management companies. We will continue to dedicate resources to building the division. Expanding our Hospitality practice is key to ATC’s overall growth strategy.”

Although originally born in the Cincinnati area, Johnson spent his formative years growing up in Fairbanks, Alaska, where he spent fifteen years. When he returned to Cincinnati, he settled down with his wife and started a family, raising two children. During his leisure time, Johnson enjoys watching sports and working on home projects. He also leads an active outdoor lifestyle kayaking, fishing, and hiking. Johnson took a partial break from IT, but recently decided to re-pursue his passion for technology. ATC was the first place that came to mind.

”I have seen ATC grow from afar. I knew they had a good thing going,” says Johnson. “When I saw the hospitality position posted, I felt like it would be great opportunity to expand my IT expertise and become dedicated to Hospitality. Fortunately, it worked out. Everyone at ATC has been very friendly and welcoming. I am excited to dig in and learn the ATC way.”

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