ATC Goes Platinum Again with The Circuit for 2023

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ATC Platinum with The Circuit for 2023

#BuildingIntoIT Pledge Includes Annual Partnership with Technology First and The Circuit

For the second straight year, ATC has continued its support of The Circuit as the exclusive Platinum partner for 2023. In doing so, ATC Cincinnati will be supporting The Circuit’s banner programs such as the Tech Forums, “unITe” leadership gatherings, the CIO Circle, Emerging Leaders, and The Annual Event.

The Circuit serves as a connecting point for all things IT in Greater Cincinnati. Through these programs, members are privy to industry education and the opportunity to connect and collaborate in an IT-centric setting.

“The backbone of our #BuildingIntoIT pledge is to support the local, non-profit organizations,” says ATC Director of Marketing + Consultant, Louie Hollmeyer. “Partnerships with The Circuit and Technology First are at the foundation of this pledge, as is our own Tech Summit.”

“It’s great to have ATC back as our top platinum sponsor for the second straight year,” says Tracy Ruberg, The Circuit’s Executive Director. “Their support will help us further develop our professional programs and serve Cincinnati’s IT community.”

ATC Partners with Technology First for 5th Straight Year

ATC has also signed up again in 2023 as an “Annual Partner” with Technology First. Technology First is Dayton, Ohio’s leading, non-profit IT organization with a similar focus on professional development and building a community of leading-edge IT professionals.

“We appreciate ATC’s support again this year as an annual partner,” says Technology First Executive Director, Melissa Cutcher. “Their active participation supporting our programs is very helpful and appreciated.” ATC will support Technology First’s programs, including their Cyber and Cloud-Infrastructure peer groups.

Trends, Solutions, and Best Practices

ATC is an independent IT consulting firm specializing in Digital Transformation in four core areas: voice network, cloud, and security. With access to over 400 technology providers and deep expertise within all four segments, ATC has a unique perspective on the vendor and solution landscape.

Often ATC gets a purview of next-gen technologies and what’s coming down the pike, and how these technologies can affect an IT organization. Through The Circuit, Technology First and other IT channels, ATC has been and will continue to be active in the IT community, bringing emerging technologies to the forefront with stakeholders and IT leaders.

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