ATC to Provide Complimentary Telecom Consulting to Chamber Businesses

CINCINNATI, OH—February 18, 2014—The Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber announced today the launch of a new Member Benefit program that will provide members with a free Telecom Check-Up for their business. The program is a collaborative effort between the Chamber, Advanced Technology Consulting (ATC), and Cincinnati Bell Technology Solutions (CBTS).
This new Chamber benefit will offer a strategic analysis of a member’s voice and data services, phone system, cloud technologies, and business continuity plan at no charge with up to five hours of consultation.

“The Chamber’s lineup of programs to support our member organizations continues to get stronger,” said the Chamber’s director of member benefits, Greg Buscher. “The Telecom Check-Up provides expertise in an area that is so vital, but often doesn’t get the attention it deserves to promote sustained success, particularly with organizations that don’t have vast IT resources. We want to help,” he added.

Or, contact ATC’s Louie Hollmeyer at 513-323-1131.