Does Your Business Have Something in Common with Tesla?

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Yes, your business does have something in common with Tesla: people.

People are the heart, soul, and engine of most businesses. They are also the single most common source of data loss. Usually, in the form of human error. Mistakes happen to good companies and good people.

Last week Tesla, however, fell victim to human spite rather than error as reported by CNN Money. A disgruntled employee sabotaged the manufacturing software:

“Elon Musk (Tesla CEO) said the Tesla employee had confessed to “quite extensive and damaging sabotage to our operations.” The email said the employee made changes to the computer code of the company’s manufacturing operating system. The employee also exported large amounts of highly sensitive company data to unknown third parties.”

Whether it’s human error or spite, it’s important to illustrate the role your employees have in creating data and business vulnerabilities. Very few business disruptions are due to storms or earthquakes. Most often, businesses are trying to recover a file, system, or network that was lost due to human error, hardware failure, or malware. Data security is always a two-part solution:

  1. Secure and protect data from harm.
  2. Ensure you have a data recovery solution that is cost effective, hassle free, and extremely reliable.

In Tesla’s case, policy and access improvements on the front-end, security side of the house might have prevented the problem. But you can’t predict or prevent every problem. How does an organization recover when something goes awry? Enter Managed Disaster Recovery as a Service (MDRaaS). Most small and medium-sized companies have shaky recovery solutions that require spending a lot of money on hardware up front and a lot of support from their IT resources.

If this sounds like you, talk to ATC about Managed Disaster Recovery as a Service (MDRaaS) from providers such as Sky Data Vault. It is a cost effective, highly-reliable, and extremely low maintenance solution. Contact us.

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