For a cloud migration project to be successful, all company teams must be onboard with the move. And because each team has different priorities, getting everyone to agree can be a challenge. At Advanced Technology Consulting (ATC), we help align teams when making a big tech change.
At the AWS re:Invent conference last week, a panel of Amazon Web Services customers discussed their personal cloud migration challenges and cloud’s main selling points.

While initially there will be skepticism, two panelists — Rich Gopstein, director of infrastructure at Bristol-Myers Squibb, and Lex Crosett, EVP of software and services at Conservation Services Group Inc. — noted they didn’t see a consistent response to the cloud move across staff members. Business teams have a clear priority in terms of costs and visibility for billing, and traditional and old-line developers didn’t believe a cloud migration would work.
“Traditional developers, unless they’ve looked at the technology, often don’t get it,” Crosett said. “IT folks have been much more onboard from the start.”
Gopstein, whose company is in the early stages of a cloud migration project, added that he was “still wrestling with traditional operations teams.”
“There was an overall push from our CIO to get more into the cloud,” said Gopstein, who needed to explain the move to his staff.
While selling your company on cloud may not be easy, panelists and other event speakers agreed there are five drivers and cloud benefits that appeal to various corners of the business.
1. Scalability and agility
The ability to scale up and down as needed is appealing to nearly all teams across companies. The main success is cycle times and more agility, Gopstein said, especially for certain industries.
(See more. Original article from TechTarget here.)