ATC Cincinnati will be hosting this year’s first Cocktails, Careers, and Conversations presented by the Northern Cincinnati Foundation. This women’s only event was created to bring female professionals from the Cincinnati region together in a social environment to network, grow, meet, and advance opportunities amongst a powerhouse of women.
The organization’s happy hours are open to all women from all professions. At each gathering, a spotlighted leader offers valuable insight in a power-minute speech. This gathering will spotlight Dale Silvers, Vice President of Client Services at C-Forward.
Join ATC and many other female powerhouses on February 3rd, 2022 from 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. at ATC’s new office in Liberty Center (7570 Bales Street, Ste. 430, Liberty Township, OH 45069) to kick-off 2022.
For more information and to follow future conversations, visit Cocktails, Careers and Conversations.