Register for Our Webinar in Honor of Cybersecurity Awareness Month! 

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Webinar in Honor of Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Cyber Insurance & Cybersecurity Services for the Mid-Market

October is recognized as Cybersecurity Awareness Month! While cybersecurity becomes increasingly prominent in today’s technology landscape, it also has many moving parts… and is evolving and complex.  

In the spirt of spreading awareness and education around the importance of cybersecurity, ATC will be teaming up with Ntirety and RiskSOUCRE for a LinkedIn Live webinar on November 1st at 11 a.m. The first 50 registrants that attend will receive a $15 Uber Eats gift card!  See below for more info:

Cyber Insurance and Cybersecurity Services for the Mid-Market

Attend this LinkedIn Live event and learn about the ins and outs of cyber insurance and the corresponding solutions sets to keep you safe and compliant. This event is for the CTO, CIO, COO and the CFO. The first 50 qualified registrants that attend will receive “Lunch” on us via a $15 Grub Hub gift card. 

Topics covered:

Cyber Insurance Landscape
– Current State
– Underwriting Trends
– Recommendations
– What’s Covered?

Cybersecurity Solution Sets for IT
– Current State
– Technology Trends
– Cyber Solutions… and Services
– Managed Security

Join us for this LinkedIn Live webinar by registering here. We look forward to seeing you virtually! 

NIST Security Report

Additionally, in celebration of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, download our free 2022 NIST Security Report. The report discusses key trends impacting businesses’ cybersecurity and also discusses the NIST framework by showing how it to relates to many different categories of security products and services. To download your free report, click here.

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CIO’s Guide to Implementing AI in the Workplace

Ready to leverage your leadership as a CIO and drive innovation, growth and efficiency for your organization?

Implementing AI into the workplace can revolutionize your business, much like a reliable and secure cloud solution scales your infrastructure.  As a CIO, your guidance is crucial to ensuring the transformative process of implementing AI into your workplace goes off without a hitch. With our implementing AI download, we’ve got you covered. 

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